Artificial intelligence (AI)
AI allows computers to learn from data and make decisions. AI is used in many industries to improve business processes, such as in customer service bots and speech recognition.
Internet of Things (IoT)
IoT connects devices and other physical objects to the internet, allowing them to share data and communicate. IoT can be used in supply chains for real-time tracking.
Blockchain technology is used to create and validate digital transactions in a secure and decentralized way. Blockchain has revolutionized financial transactions.
Big data analytics
Big data analytics involves collecting, storing, and analyzing large amounts of data to generate insights. Big data analytics can help businesses make smart decisions.
Digital twin
Digital twin technology can be used to create virtual models that can be used to design and customize products. For example, prosthetics companies use digital twin technology to create custom-made prosthetics for patients.
Data extraction
Data extraction software can be used to extract information from unstructured data sources, such as purchase orders, customer records, and invoices.
Other examples of digital technologies include: Cloud computing, Virtual reality (VR), Augmented reality (AR), Social media, and E-commerce.
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